Why Keywords are Important

Why Keywords Are Important to Rank Your Website

Google and other search engines have over 200 ranking factors that can either take your website to the first page on SERP or can throw somewhere down, where no one can see it. You should know that not all of them carry equal importance but some of them really do. In fact 6 of the top 15 of these factors are based on your keywords and how you use them.  Keywords are one of the things that play a major role in ranking your website. Let’s look at how keywords play a major role in the website’s ranking and how you can optimize it to get a HIGHER RANK.

1. What are SEO Keywords?

SEO keywords are the words that define your content i.e. what your content is about. They are the words that searchers use to reach your website using search engines. Keywords play a vital role in a website when it comes to Search Engine Optimization. An optimized website with relevant keyword knows what type of keyword their visitors exactly use to visit your website.

It won’t be wrong to say that keyword is the main source of seeing your website’s link appear on search engine’s SERP. Therefore, you should know how visitor searches for product and services that your website has to offer to them.

It’s highly recommendable to enlist some keywords relevant to the content to get maximum web traffic and to work towards achieving better SEO.

2. Different Types of Keywords

There are 8 types of SEO keywords:

  • Branded Keyword
  • Unbranded Keyword
  • Seed Words
  • Page Specific Keyword
  • Primary Keyword
  • Secondary Keyword
  • Head Terms
  • Long-Tail Keyword

2.1. Branded Keyword

This includes the name of a specific brand in the query. It can be the name of an ongoing campaign, taglines, etc.

Example: JW Marriott Indian food
JW Marriott restaurants near me
Here, JW Marriott is a brand name, therefore, it is a branded keyword.

2.2. Unbranded Keyword

These are the general keywords without any brand name attached to it. It is mostly used when the user is not sure about which website he/she should click.

Example: Indian food
Indian food near me, etc

2.3. Seed Words

These are the words that are used as the initials that indicate your business. These are the very first keywords that you chose while selecting your keywords.

2.4. Page Specific Keyword

These are used to reach out a specific section on your website. These are applicable to a single web page.

2.5. Primary Keyword

These are the main set of keywords that you select on a high priority basis to attract maximum web traffic towards your website.

2.6. Secondary Keyword

These are the supporting keywords that you use as per the query from the visitors.

2.7. Head Terms

These are very few keywords with high search volume and demand.

2.8. Long–Tail Keyword

These are user specific keywords with comparatively low search demand. Example: if you google the word “fan” (a broad keyword) what are the chances that you will end up with what you are exactly looking for? But if you want what you are exactly searching (that is cost, color, brand etc) you will type “low-cost white colored Bajaj fan” and here, Low-cost white colored Bajaj fan becomes your long tail keyword.

3. What is Keyword Density?

Keyword Density shows the percentage of times a keyword appears in your content when compared to the total number of words in a content.

There is a specific formula to calculate keyword density:

(Nkr* Nwp/Tkn)* 100.

Where, Nkr denotes repetition of a specific keyword

Tkn denotes- total words in analyzed texts

Nwp denotes-number of words in a phrase

4. Why Keyword Search is Important?

There are many websites that are being created every single day and every website owner wants the website to be on top and therefore, to give your website a competitive edge over others, keyword searches play an important role. They help in evaluating and analyzing what user frequently searches and how it searches and accordingly take decisions. However, it is very difficult to score a higher rank on SERP and it requires a lot of hard work and patience and therefore, you need to constantly put in efforts to get to the top.

5. How Keywords Influence Your Website Ranking

Below are 8 ways mentioned to improve your website’s ranking through keywords:

5.1 Keywords Used in Title Tag

Tags used in the title helps in telling the search engine about your website’s content. It’s very important to use relevant tags with the title at the very top of your website’s content so it is easy for the crawler to understand what the content is about.
Google uses this tag to display the website on SERP. So if you add relevant keywords in this tag then it can help in elevating your website’s ranking. Google and other search engines co-relate this tag with the website ranking.

5.2 Keywords Used in Meta Description Tags

Meta description tags are the first interaction of your website’s content with the visitors. Ultimately, using relevant keywords and giving exact info about your website’s content can attract web traffic and increase your conversion rate. Including keywords in meta tags make it easier for user and search engines to read and index your website.

5.3 Keywords Used in H1 Tags

It is another crucial factor that should be considered while doing a keyword search. Most of the website owners neglect it but it remains an important factor because it provides a summary of the content. H1 to H6 tags should be used with every title for an easy understanding of the content. Crawler also uses this to index your website.

5.4 Keywords Stuffing

It is another crucial factor that should be considered while doing a keyword search. Most of the website owners neglect it but it remains an important factor because it provides a summary of the content. H1 to H6 tags should be used with every title for an easy understanding of the content. Crawler also uses this to index your website.
Up till now, keywords stuffing several times on a page worked really well to increase the website’s ranking but not anymore. Always use relevant and limited keywords to make your website’s content look authentic.


5.5 Content’s Length

5.6 Duplicate Content

Copying content is never a good idea, it leads to a decrease in ranking in SERP, also users find an attractive website or a blog only when they find something unique and out of the box so to gain traffic, an engaging, unique and out-of-the-box content plays huge a huge role.

5.7 Search Good Keyword with Low Search Volume

You should do a competitive search for your keyword search. Normally you don’t target keyword that has low search volume but in the case of two words that have the almost same meaning but have different search volume, it is advisable to choose keywords with low search volume to face less competition in the business.

5.8 Content Type

You should be careful about “what type of keyword you are using for what type of content.” For example, your keyword should match the type of content written in the blog. You can categorize your content as:

  • An article
  • A blog
  • Product page
  • Dictionary
  • Video
  • Infographics

6. Where to Find Keywords?

There are several tools I recommend getting set up so  you can search and analyze and make decisions regarding the type of keyword that you have to choose. They are:

  • keywordtooldominator.com    Click here to set up accounts for at least two of the tools I recommend Google Youtube and Amazon to start  or you can get the e commerce pack!
  • seobility.net  Click here to sign up for the free 30 day Premium Trial to get the most out of this great tool.
  • wordtracker.com Click here for an exclusive discount on one of the best tools on the market and take it for a free test drive.
  • Answerthepublic.com. This is a free amazing tool you will want to have in your arsenal.
  • Keywordsurfer.com (chrome Extension) also free and connects right to your google search so its always working for you.

7. Different Benefits of Optimizing Keywords

  • If you use the keyword that is broad and irrelevant to your business you might lose potential customers but if your keywords are capable enough to attract elite customers, then eventually you can elevate your website’s ranking and increase your web traffic.
  • If you can optimize different keyword for your website, then you can analyze what type of content your audience will prefer.
  • The optimized keyword will help you in analyzing user behavior.
  • You can also measure what kind of potential your web traffic holds for your business.

8. How to research keywords


8. Summary

If you follow the above-discussed factors, that does not mean you can achieve a higher rank on SERP. It may also be possible that you will end up selecting some highly competitive keywords that need constant efforts to get a good ranking but at the beginning, it would be smart if you focus on those keywords that have less competition to build your website’s authority.

After deciding the keyword for your website, focus on the response and the visibility your website is getting and try to optimize accordingly so as to get better results. Content writing plays a major role in that and is considered an equally important factor in the ranking of the website.