Elementor #3987

Week 1 Prime Initiatives

1. Set up AnyDesk.com software at https://anydesk.com/en

2. Set up a new GMail account at https://mail.google.com/

3. Set up eBay account at https://www.ebay.com/

4. List your first 10 items using things from around the home you no longer want need or use.

5 Complete the weekly survey here: Week 1 Survey

Week 1 Details

Welcome to the program, I am so excited to work with you as your coach and mentor for your business venture. This email will review our call and has a list of the assignments we discussed and other information you will need as we go through the program together.

Contact info:
Direct line 720-464-2689
Support line if you need help with passwords or something like that 720-805-0750 or 888-788-6554 Option 1

Please add all three numbers to you contacts so they are not blocked as spam calls.

I usually respond to emails rather quickly, when in the office. So please always direct questions and concerns by emailing me first. If for some reason you need to speak to a coach because of an urgent matter, please call the hotline and the next available coach will get back to you as soon as possible. 888-788-6554 Option 2

Daily Checklist

Day 1 … (Ideally this should be done the same day as our call)

  1. watch this Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=4-079YIasck&feature=emb_logo

  2. Check out this article on Reflection https://reaphavoc.com/mindset-1-reflecting-on-your-last-year/

  3. take an hour or two to go through the activities recommended.

  4. watch this video https://vimeo.com/819919763

  5. Go to anydesk.com and dowload the free software

  6. send me your user address for anydesk this should not be an email account but a string of numbers

  7. watch gmail set up  https://vimeo.com/803153073

  8. Set up a new gmail account for the business unless you have one you want to use already set up that is not a personal email.

  9. Send me an email letting me know your new email address.

Day 2

  1. Watch  https://vimeo.com/806127766

  2. Watch https://vimeo.com/800982099

  3. Watch https://vimeo.com/800987874

  4. If you have an ebay account already please use that instead of setting up a new one. If you need help recovering the login info you can watch this video https://vimeo.com/800985461

  5. Set up your ebay account

  6. Watch https://vimeo.com/800990390

  7. watch  https://vimeo.com/803627365

  8. set up ebay and paypal apps we wont use paypal with ebay but will use it later in the program

  9. Watch https://vimeo.com/583563174

Day 3

  1. Watch https://vimeo.com/801013735

  2. Watch https://vimeo.com/801017535

  3. Set up your Profile page on ebay

  4. Watch  https://vimeo.com/801352105

  5. Watch  https://vimeo.com/509274668

  6. Here is a list of ideas for things you could sell if you need some. https://reaphavoc.com/what-to-sell-on-ebay-from-home/

  7. Do a Brief home inventory looking for items you no longer want need or use that you could list on ebay for sale. This is a great opportunity to declutter and reduce distractions.

  8. Watch https://vimeo.com/506234361

  9. watch https://vimeo.com/801290996

Day 4

  1. Find a Trial item from home and list that item for sale on Ebay using a good until cancelled fixed price listing and free shipping.

  2. List your first item for sale

  3. send me a copy of the confirmation email from ebay, the item number, or your ebay user id so I can give you some feedback.

Day 5

  1. List 9 or more items from around the house so you have a total of at least 10 items listed for sale.

  2. Do more items if you have more time to work on things

Day 6 … Weekly Review (This should be either the day of our next call or the day before)

  1. Read this article https://reaphavoc.com/your-weekly-review-hows-and-whys/

  2. fill out the survey here https://reaphavoc.com/weekly-review-and-recap/

Day 7 … Rest spend your time with some of the suggestions below

  1. Get some extra sleep

  2. Spend time with family or friends

  3. Read a good book see my reading list here https://fivebooks.com/reader-list/my-top-five-time-management-books-kris_duering/

  4. Take time for hobbies

  5. Take time for Gratitude

  6. Take time to connect spiritually

I look forward to our next call and seeing your progress in your business venture.