10 Point Website Launch Checklist


1 Ensure Homepage text is not the Generic filler text that and that it is unique to your site and your niche then do the same with about us, contact us, etc and any other informational pages of the site.



2 Check your email address is correct and located in the correct places on the site

From your dashboard settings / General your email should be listed as the administration email address also listed on your contact page.


3 Set your time zone and other address information under settings /general  and woo commerce / settings make sure all relevant information is set up 

Make sure your featured products are set up for the month https://share.vidyard.com/watch/XEfVFLHRjzZ7i7Y8Wfbntj?


4  Set your site favicon you will need a square image that represents your site you can use the logo or some other image from the dashboard appearance / customize select site identity then upload your image 



5 Set up your payment processing there are several options for this you can use paypal or you can use stripe or square I suggest both paypal and either stripe or square complete the set up info from the dashboard go to woocommerce / settings select the payments tab then find the payment method you want to set up for paypal click manage then insert your paypal email address. For the others you need information from the accounts you will insert into the appropriate areas 


6 Set up an account with google analytics and any other tracking or analytic services you want to use and make sure they are connected to the site and in working order.

what is google analytics  analytics 101

You can learn a lot more about google analytics as they have certificate level courses about the program free from google here. or your can take some of the free courses here. Both courses are really good if you want to learn more about this awesome tool.


7  Set up your Social Media Accounts and make sure that they are all linked in the footer.  https://share.vidyard.com/watch/qiFv3Fox27kJscVfT2HSB6?

if you need help setting up your social accounts you can have our team help they do set up for any social media account for $100 dollars per account https://ementorbuild.com/p/facebook-page-setup-and-design/  or you can pay $300 for 4 different accounts https://ementorbuild.com/p/elite-social-media-setup-and-design/

Ensure all links on the site work correctly IE click on each and make sure it takes you where you expect to go  ( click through test )


8  Check your sites appearance on different browsers and devices try as many as you can microsoft edge microsoft explorer google chrome safari etc and also try it on desktop laptop tablet cell phone etc to make sure it functions properly in all cases 


9 Run your first test order have someone go on to your site and make a purchase you can change the price of an item down to a dollar to run the test ensure you are notified from the site and from your payment processor about the order ensure that the customer receives information about the order as well ( if you are working with a wholesale supplier this would also be a good opportunity to process your first order with them to see how that process works how they send the package how you place the order with them etc.

10 Set up your email collections service with get response so you can collect emails and send to your customers

Email Marketing will grow your business faster than any other marketing medium!
I use and recommend GetResponse: Get it here!

Learn More about how to use get response https://reaphavoc.com/how-to-build-your-email-list-from-scratch/

Here are some training videos to give you some more ideas
https://vimeo.com/513614550 – intro to email marketing
https://vimeo.com/516450068 – building a form for the homepage
https://vimeo.com/519266324 – building a pop-up form and example sites
https://vimeo.com/513613997 – more form building practice
https://vimeo.com/525201363 – troubleshooting issues with installing code to site, autoresponders, and “lists”